Dissolving Doubt #MindBattle Day 5


It's easy to throw stones at Thomas because he looked for the nails in the Master's hand but I don't see you throwing stones at yourself when you search for holes in what the Master has told you.

Reboot camp has been for me. Every session, every word, it has been precision on a whole different level! Haaaaa!!! Whew!!!!! Let me calm down a bit.

I really don't know how to form the words. So much for one who identifies as a writer because I'm not sure what to write or where to start.
Let's start in the morning.
Today was one of those days when I woke up ready to face the day. There's the kind of 'high' that the spirit gives and I woke up high.

It was another day of praying under my breath (this is about to be my way of life).

I washed my hair today. #teamnatural #ifinallycombedmyhair #lazynatural #livingwithunplannedlocs #detanglingisalot #whatarethesehashtags
My plan was to pray while I washed my hair and the temptation came to play ludo instead. It had me at first guys but glorrrry to God, I stopped halfway. (mostly because my hands were wet plus I remembered the original plan).

Right after detangling, afternoon session started and I don't remember what happened exactly but I know that for one split second, I was doubting God. The devil stays working guys!!!! But do you remember what I said on day 3? 'When the battle comes, don't run. This is what you've been training for'.
So, as quickly as the doubt came, it dispersed!! God is trustworthy. He can definitely be trusted!

One thing that stuck with me today is that this prayer thing, we must pray it. And the more amazing thing is that God will speak. He wants to speak. He wants to lead us. He wants to show us our future and guard our steps.
When we look at the life of Jesus, we observe that His life was a series of fulfilled prophecies. Just imagine your life like that!!!!

I've never done this before but while I was praying, I had this word drop in my heart. I know that someone reading this, God has given you instructions on what to do and you're doubting. Your heart has been trying to make excuses, saying maybe this isn't God but Papa says to tell you to trust Him and that He has the greatest expression of love for you.

I want to make it a point of duty to always pray for every one of my posts, that the Father will minister through them. It is becoming clearer by the day that this is indeed ministry and I really want to position myself properly in line with the Father to minister.

There's a battle in my mind. It is full of anxiety and untrue thoughts. This is a documentary on how I win.
See you tomorrow at 20:00 GMT+2

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  1. Yes, yes yes.. This is ministry, I repeat, this is ministry. Our feet washed, our feet free of dust.
    We are led by the Father even as we pray...
    Thanks for the share.


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