Don't cry #MindBattle Day 4


Some days will seem mundane and plain. It'll seem like nothing is happening. Don't be deceived, there are silent victories embedded there too.

Day 1 of the reboot camp was amazing! Of course, I am not currently in Lagos so I watched the live stream on Instagram. Pastor Emmanuel Iren wasn't exactly teaching things that were absolutely new to me but there's this joy that comes with hearing the gospel. It is refreshing both to your spirit and your soul. Typing this stirs me up so much already, I want to scream for joy but I don't want to scare the other person in the room.
I was going to stop there but let me share a little of what I learnt yesterday. Do you know that you have access to God? I mean, unhindered access! As a believer, no pastor has more access to God than you, they are not more righteous than you are. What you received at salvation is the righteousness of Jesus Christ!! The Spirit of God lives in you so although it can seem like God is far, He is never really far!!

There's something about spending time fellowshipping with other believers that stirs you up. Remember how I said yesterday that I feel like I wasn't praying enough? By this morning, my heart was in a different place and although I know it's not about the feelings, it is just good to both feel like and to do what's right. 

The morning session of the camp meeting is basically a prayer meeting and I really want to attend. I wanted to pray along but I have classes to attend. During my break, I plugged in my earphones and was praying under my breath. Whatever works right? On my way back, after class, my heart was starting to ponder on how much I want to attend Reboot camp and how I wished I was attending live and ever so calmly, I heard the spirit of God tell me 'don't cry'.

Two words, just two words but they meant a lot. If you know me, you know that my primary response to a lot of things is crying.
When I'm happy, I cry
When I'm sad, I cry
When I'm hungry, I cry
When I'm tired, I cry
When I'm praying, I cry
When I'm... you get the point now. I'm basically an infant.

Don't cry sounded like peace, it sounded like there's no need to worry. It sounded like you're where you are now for a reason. Don't cry sounded like don't get worked up. It sounded like protect your heart, don't give room for anxiety and that's exactly what I did, I didn't cry.

There's a battle in my mind. It's full of anxiety and untrue thoughts. This is a documentary on how I win.
See you tomorrow at 20:00 GMT+2

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  1. Amazing, truly amazing.
    Every word from God's Spirit is as refreshing as it is reassuring. This two expression grips the heart and brings it to a place of peace, such peace only God's Spirit gives.
    We are where God wants us, don't Cry.
    I wouldn't cry. I am where God wants me...
    We follow on this.

    1. Yes!! That's the perspective! I am where God wants me to be.


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