What has changed? #MindBattle Day 10


My phone went bad yesterday. I took it for repair today. I'm phoneless at the moment. Apart from when I woke up from my nap and was frantically searching for my phone for five minutes so I could check the time, I'm coping really well.
I've been playing with the idea of being off most social media platforms in 2020, I haven't decided yet.

I read the entry from Day 1 again, it's safe to say that I'm still on track. Today is just day 10 and that means that I've documented one-third of this documentary already. What have I noticed?

  1. There's a bully in my mind. On most days, it acts all tough and tries to intimidate me. It comes dressed up in lies of my not being good enough. This is how I win; knowing that this bully isn't very tough. This is how I win daily, knowing who I am and whose I am and what I am indeed capable of.
  2. It always looks difficult until it is done. We are very attached to our phones, and it can appear like a nightmare to spend hours away from it. Just before my phone went bad completely, I was checking the stats on how often I use it. Maybe I didn't see clearly but it appeared like I was unlocking my phone every 3 minutes on the average. Wow. I thought that I could never stay away from my phone especially in the early hours of the day but as time has come to tell, I actually can.
  3. Triggers: they are everywhere, at least for me. It is wise to not put yourself in situations that will stir up undue emotions. I talk about staying off social media and how it is a big deal for me. What I probably haven't mentioned yet is how it is one of my biggest triggers. I get mini panic attacks and episodes where my mood drops. Spending less time on social media has helped me manage my mood. Being conscious of the kind of content that I consume has helped also.
  4. It gets easier as you do it. These days, it's been a lot easier to fight off wrong thoughts. It's been a lot easier to figure out and meditate on 'whatsoever things are true..'. It wasn't always this easy but with constant practise I'm getting better at it. 

There's a lot more that I've learnt but I'll just share these for now. It's amazing how much progress one can make in just 10 days. If you're battling fear or anxiety or anything at all, let me inform you that you are actually very capable of winning the battle. It may be difficult at first but it'll get easier, it will.

There is a battle in mind. It is full of anxiety and untrue thoughts. This is a documentary on how I win.
See you tomorrow at 20:00 GMT+2

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