Eat Something #MindBattle Day 21


After this documentary, I think the next one I should do should include something related to food. And before my mind decides to cop out and say that I should fast, I actually mean something related to me eating.
Oh, by the way, I haven't said anything yet. No one should send me any message asking about anything concerning food. 😩😩

I have bad eating habits. I don't think that I am mature enough to care about what I eat and when I eat. The thing is that I get cranky when I'm hungry. But do I usually save the planet from further harm by eating so that I can prevent 'wars'? No. No, my dears.
That's how I was even feeling lightheaded in church today but to Jesus be my glory.

Creative Corner

It's been 10 days since I said I wanted to do something creative every day. It didn't really work like I thought it would. I know that I could be more disciplined and push myself a bit more but what happened was that it didn't happen.

I'm going to try again for the next 10 days but this time, there's a plan.
Day 1: Write something
Day 2: Shoot something
Day 3: Design something
Day 4: Film something
Day 5: Say something
Day 6: Write something
Day 7: Shoot something
Day 8: Design something
Day 9: Film something
Day 10: Say something

Let's see how this goes!

True Talk

One of the things that sparked up this journey was Philippians 4:8 '...whatsoever things are true... think on these things.' I don't believe that I appreciate myself enough. There's a lot of unhealthy conversation that goes on in my head. And although it has reduced a lot, I don't believe that it has been adequately replaced with healthy convos. 

In this segment, I'll be speaking the truth over myself. I think this is what people refer to as affirmations. Yes, I will be affirming myself. I would prefer to look at myself through the lens of God's word so there'll be heavy Bible talk and I am not ashamed about it.

I'm excited about this. Voy a empezar mañana.

There's a battle in my mind. It's full of anxiety and untrue thoughts. This is a documentary on how I win.
See you tomorrow at 20:00 GMT +2

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