Wisdom Wednesday || Sit at their feet


A wise person once said, "Experience is the best teacher."
Before all the people who have jumped on the bandwagon of 'experience is not the best teacher' eat me raw, let me quickly vindicate myself.

Definition: Experience is practical contact with and an observation of facts.

Experience can often be classified as first-hand, second-hand or even third-hand. :D
Although first-hand experience leaves the most remarkable impressions, the other forms of experience are excellent teachers. Someone once correctly stated that you can get experience from:
  1. The stuff that happens to you
  2. The stuff you see happen to someone else
  3. The stuff you heard happened to someone else
These situations put you in contact with the things that happen and present you with facts that can be observed.
The issue most times is that we are not keen to listen to or study the facts and situation that happen to others. We want to by ourselves have first-hand experience. 

However, to get ahead in life, you have to be a learner. I already wrote about that HERE.
There's so much about life that you do not know and there are people who already know these things. It takes humility to be willing to sit at their feet and learn. Too often we let our ego get the best out of us and hinder us from learning the things we could. 
Maybe they are younger than you, your mate or even older than yourself. Just know at the very fore front of your mind that learners are leaders and leaders are humble enough to learn.

So who is it that you need to go meet for clarity, be humble enough to approach them and learn.


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