I want you and your family dead


I'm not even exaggerating, this has to be the 30th time I sneezing this evening in a row. Here I am sitting with eyes blood red, tears stream down my cheek as if to cool down my body's temperature but that doesn't seem to be working effectively.

I was on my own, about to enter my room when my enemies decided that it was time to wake up and start running about. I would take it if it was just one or two or even a couple of them but no, it seemed like the whole community had found their way into my room. They had come with their children and distant relatives.

So, I armed myself with a weapon I knew was too weak to fight them. In previous encounters, this weapon has proven itself futile but what could I do, my usually weapon was out of stock so I decided to go for the one that was readily available since it was about 9:30 and I was just not even thinking about going out.

Spray after spray after spray after spray, yet these infidels were not dying. You would think that at this point, I would retreat and surrender but no, accept defeat? No way! I focused my powers on getting the best out of these ones, killing their entire generation. I stepped into their barracks, went past their defenses so that I could have direct impact.

Well, I could only kill a handful. I, on the other hand, have almost sneezed my internal organs out. My eyes are  itching from all of the chemicals that were mixed to form this insecticide. 
I knew quite well that these allergies were going to start acting up but all I wanted to be was the BAWSE, the winner.

The sneezes had rounded up to about 50 by the time I have finally analyzed my situation. As I sit on my chair and stare at these tiny roaches running about, I decide that it's way past time for us to have 'the talk'.
We need to sign a treaty.

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