Live Like No One's Watching


The other day I was walking with a bunch of my group mates and one of them says "why are these people staring at us?" The truth  is that no one is staring but every time we take a walk, he perceives that someone is staring at him.

Well, that most often is the case with us, just, from a different perspective.
We think;
every one's looking, every one's talking about me and gradually it graduates to they're hating on me.
The truth is that most of the time, no one is looking at you. We're just being self-conscious.
We care so much about the opinions of others that we begin to create stuff in our head to satisfy our cravings.

What if people are actually looking??
Do what you need to do anyway!

See, you CANNOT please everyone!!! Even if you try, you'll end up losing yourself in the process.

We have all being given individual purposes and goals. We have our paths, our lanes and although they may cross with those of others every now and then, it's important to know that your path is not totally dependent on them.

Whether you succeed or fail is largely dependent on YOU.
Stop wondering if people are looking or not, don't be afraid to do what you have been called to do.
Step out in faith and fulfill purpose because either way, people are going to talk; you might as well give them something good to talk about.

Have a blessed week!
Remember; "today belongs to YOU"
It's Kaydo <3

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