Live And Let Live


We are different. You, me, everyone is different in their own way. If we were all exactly the same, trust me the world would be so boring and living wouldn't be so worth it. Sometimes, actually most of the times, the differences with someone is not what we expect. What they do as an expression of themselves can actually step on your toes and hurt your pride. A couple of people can deal with that but some others can't. A lot of us have ideas of what we think everybody should look like, act like, talk like and live like but the truth is that no matter how much you think about and no matter how well you strategize and plan your techniques, you cannot change everybody because we were made to be different.

Honestly, I get annoyed when people try to make to make others fit into a box. Some people just can't stand others being different. I understand that some people are really annoying and that their lives need some polishing but the fact that they don't look like what you think they should doesn't give you the right to judge them because trust me there is something bout you too that someone somewhere is trying to deal with. What's up with the trying to make everyone fit into your idea of perfection?
Talk about being perfect, who is? Until we accept the fact that honestly we cannot 'make' people think, act or speak the way we want, we would be living as unhappy people. Lots of people live very unhappy lives and are constantly mad at someone else. They have their joy dashed to pieces and whether consciously or not choose sad lives over happiness because they are constantly trying to make people into something else. If we spent as much time improving ourselves as we spend trying to make others, we would be a whole lot better.
Give people the chance to express themselves. It may hurt you, it and may not be exactly what you would say but allow them be themselves, allow them make their decisions. You can point out the better way they could have done it but don't rub in their face and don't try to make them change.

I am different, you are different too; that's what makes us unique.

Live and let live!

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