Being Happy


Usually I do not watch the news. The truth is that I get to hear about it anyway. Normally if you ask me why, I'll tell you that it's too boring. The only news cast I find interesting is 'Keeping it real with Adeola', she makes it so much fun to watch. The other reason why I don't listen to news is that it's majorly bad news. There's so much going on around the world that is heartbreaking. There's already enough going on around me that I have to deal with daily.
The truth is, whether we like it or not, even if we try to hide from it, there's always something that's there ready to steal our joy. Some people even take it upon themselves as a duty to annoy others (I don't know what they gain though), some others just can't stand someone else being happy. 

I'm a strong believer that we are supposed to enjoy life and live happily but how do we do that when we have so much around willing to deprive us of joy? How then can we enjoy our everyday life?
Over time I have come to learnt that my happiness isn't dependent on anyone but me. This is one thing that  a lot of people are yet to learn. It's been said over and again but  it seems like many haven't gotten it yet. Too many people sit around and wait for someone to make them happy. Some ladies claim to be sad because some guy somewhere hasn't done that magical thing that's supposed to make them happy, Seriously!
Nobody, I repeat, nobody has the right, power and authority to take your joy away unless of course you give it to them.
So, take responsibility for your happiness! Let it flow from within you and do not let those around you destabilize you. Do not allow anyone take your joy from you.

I want you to know that you have a right to be happy. No matter what's going on around you, you can be happy. Now, I am not implying that you should ignore that things that happen around you but I'm saying that in the midst of it all, you can live life happily. Some people feel like something's not right when they haven't had a reason to be sad in a day. There are people who derive a sort of satisfaction from sympathy and so they always find a reason to be sad and go around with a gloomy face; but that doesn't have to you.
You can live life happily. You don't need any form of approval from anyone to make you happy and give you a sense of belonging.

Taking responsibility for your happiness doesn't mean that there won't be things that would want to steal your joy. It doesn't mean that people wouldn't do things that would seem to annoy you. Taking responsibility for your happiness means that even when everything around seems to be annoying and nothing around seems to be a good enough reason to make you happy, you do not blame someone else. It means that you consciously do things that would make you happy.

Dearie, you can make you happy, in fact, you should make you happy. Do something everyday that would make you happy. Hang around people that believe in you and no matter what happens, remember that you are SPECIAL!
Live life happy!!

..i'll write another part to this! Anticipate.. :)
Know that I believe in you and in the fact that you can be happy..

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