Being Happy 2


Hello everyone!
Happy Sunday!
Woah, I get so excited just knowing that it is Sunday.
Today, I just want to continue from where I stopped on being happy.
So, in my previous write up, I said that if we were going to live happy lives, we would have to stop expecting others to make us happy and we would have to take responsibility for our own happiness. If you didn't read that one; go read it now and then come and continue :)
In taking responsibility for our happiness, it is important the kind of company that we have around us because no matter how positive and happy you try to be, if you hang out with people that are never happy, always gloomy, never seeing the good in life, you'll end up like them. Don't tell me you're stronger and that you'll resist their influence on you because it's a fact that evil communication corrupts good manners. You eventually begin to act like those you hang around so, keep a company of people with happy spirit and cheerful souls.

And one other thing I think we all agree that music is the 'food' of the soul, yea? That's why it's important the kind of music we listen to. You can't tell me that you want to be happy and get over a heartbreak and the song you're listening to is Adele's 'Someone like you', seriously! Get me clear, I don't have any sort of ish with Adele or her songs, in fact I love her style of singing. The big picture here is be careful what you are listening to. Whether consciously or not, the lyrics begin to form a thought pattern, they begin to create ideas, they, in the long run begin to paint the picture of your life. So, get some good music on your playlist!
The final thing I'll say on being happy is that you get a hobby. Find something that you delight in. Something that can be an exit point for any kind of sadness, anger, depression and negativity. Find a positive channel for you life and keep the streams of happiness flowing.
Shoot! I know that I said finally already but I just  remembered this and I think that it's important when it comes to being happy. You know that song, 'Don't worry, Be happy'. I feel like dancing just thinking about it. Those words are heavy truth. Lots of people live very sad lives because they worry a lot. Truth is that you could so much going on in your life that you honestly do not know how you could go a day without being worried. My dear, if you're going to be happy, you'll have to give up the worries.

I'll write more about worrying in my next blog but till then keep a cheerful spirit up.
Take responsibility for your HAPPINESS!! are SPECIAL!

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