Love. Life. Art


Love has to be my most common theme. I'm a love absorbed person 😁
Side note: Is that a real thing? I could just create it, right?

A couple of weeks ago, I asked on FACEBOOK to get themes to write poems on and the first theme was "Love, Life, Art".
These three things basically sum up a great percentage of my life and as much as I could have focused more on any of the other two sub-themes, I went ahead to major on LOVE!

I'm open to writing poems based on whatever theme you want, simply leave a comment. 😊😊
Here's the poem:

I love you,
You are art.
Art is life,
I love life.

I love the fragrance of intelligence
Exuding from between your lips.
I love how proudly wisdom flows
Within the craftings of your hands.

Your life it speaks from abstract realms
Hemmed onto life's reality
Your love it flows, from depths to mounts
Defying laws and gravity.

Our rhyme pattern is null and void
Blending to perfect harmony.
Our love does not destroy our begins
Leaving our distinctions apart.

I love you.
I love the art in your eyes,
The life in your heart.
If I ever had to define love,
It'd simply be you

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