
I honestly have no explanation for why I've been gone for so long. It's been quite a mix of loss of interest and motivation with a bit of laziness.

The last couple of months have felt different to me. I've been on some sort of journey; bits of which I'll share in coming posts.

In the past days, weeks, I've had ideas pop into my head, beautifully crafted scripts that danced within my skull -- they, however, never got to see the light of day.

In my third year, my excuse was that I had no time. Here I am, half way through fourth year with all the time in my hands and I have barely birthed half of the stories, poems and even articles, I thought I would.

This is me challenging myself to actively seek inspiration and share my version of the refined work with you.
Here I am, moving out of the street called 'Comfort'.
I will share my life and the lessons. I will share Abba's love with you, yes you.

So, keep a date, be back tomorrow, there'll be something new to share.

With love,

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