Faith and Medicine


I identify as Christian. For me that means; I believe in God. I believe in Jesus as the only way to have a  relationship with God. I also believe in supernatural works of God in the life of men. I believe that God heals, I've seen Him heal.

I am currently in my fifth year of medical school and I've seen the 'power' of medicine. I've seen how lives are saved daily via medical care and how these physical interventions restore health.

Some times, there's a clash between these two in my head. Should I believe God for healing or should I take this drug? 

The other day, one of the members of my church was talking about how her eyes were hurting and how she needed to see the ophthalmologist. In my head, there was a rattle; do I tell her to pray about it or do I remind her to make an appointment?

Another day at the ICU, there was an 8-year-old, she had congenital anomalies and she really wasn't getting any better. My teacher talked about how they were just managing her condition and how they really couldn't vouch for a good quality of life if she managed to recover.
So I'm thinking, what if I pray? Does it make any difference??

You see illnesses differently when you have some sort of medical knowledge. There are categories. I can easily pray for this because there's hope but the other, well.

I don't have all the answers but I'm seeing that God is good, it's in His will that our bodies are healthy. The Bible instructs to pray for sick people so we will. We live in a fallen world so there'll be sickness until the redemption of our bodies. Medicine is good; if it's available take it.
I'll end with this quote I read at my dad's clinic 'we treat, God heals'.

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