

I am not one who drinks alcohol and neither do I smoke.
I know from all of my experience in watching movies that a most people drink to ease off. Sometimes, it's to forget about the pain and the struggle.

Well, the thing is that the ish is still there when you recover from the hangover. (movie reference 😀)

Anyways this post isn't about the people who drink, it's kinda about me and maybe you.

I don't use alcohol to numb the pain for a while and I also don't use novocaine (hehehe, med student) but I use a ton of other things.

Sleep is number one on the list and a close runner up is movieeeees. These things on their own are a pretty good way to spend time and relax but they become a problem when they are used to ignore the 'pain'

Stuff is always going to happen but if we decide to cover up the issues with band aids, there'll still be issues to deal with even after they've been removed.

Stop ignoring the issues and stop trying to cover them up with band aids.
The fact that you take you eyes off them doesn't mean that they're not there.

He'll never put more in you than you can bear.
You just have to face them issues and level them because, you can. 


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  1. Kaydo, a good touch to an issue like this. I was taken off balance to begin figuring out whats to be used. Then it came out plain that we have the powers as given by God. It only takes us to rest over and face it square on. Good one.


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