Spiritual Growth


After attending a one year old's birthday party and singing a ton of Sunday school songs, I now have a playlist of 'children's' songs playing in my head. I kept thinking of the 'perfect' introduction for this week's piece but all I got was a Sunday school song.

Read your Bible, pray everyday
Pray everyday, pray everyday
Read your Bible, pray everyday
If you want to grow.

I probably stayed too long in Children's church. Haha
Well, since we are treating the theme GROWTH, I decided to write on growing spiritually first. 'Growing spiritually' kinda sounds weird in my ears, I prefer to refer to it as growing in your relationship with God.

Firstly, if we are going to talk about growing a relationship with God, it only means that you have a one with Him. Just in the case that you don't have one, you can start one, better put, you can respond to His request. (that just sounds cheesy).
The christian walk, is one that is based on relationship with God.

Sometimes, as Christians we make it look vague, abstract, like God is just some guy in a far away land, the 'guy' upstairs, but the truth is that He is right next to you, His Spirit is within you.
Growing a relationship with God is just like growing a relationship with anyone else.

One of the basic truths about growing a relationship is that you have to be INTENTIONAL about it. It takes your conscious effort, your dedication to make the relationship work.

Your being intentional about this relationship is what moves you to devote time to the study of the word and prayer.
Understand that studying the word gives you insight into who God is, you see His character, His ways, His power. It also begins to reveal to you who you are, who you can be and then a transformation begins from your inside out, there's the renewing of your mind and a metamorphosis into the person, God designed you to be.

Prayer is simply communication with God. God isn't just interested in the big things that concern you, He is also interested in the seemingly small details of your life.
Some people have the idea that prayer is just you saying a truck load of words to God but that isn't entirely true. It also involves the act of staying still and listening to Him. He doesn't just want to hear you speak, He wants to speak to you too.

I have come to learn that prayer isn't something that should be reserved for a specific time; maybe just when you wake up. It is a conversation with God that should be kept all day long. Living with the consciousness of God's presence leads to our constant conversation with Him.
Do not be deceived and think, oh no, God will only speak to my Pastor, He will speak to you too. All you have to do is listen for His voice.

The christian life is one that is of faith. It is by faith that we receive salvation and it is by faith that we live. Every step that you take should be one that should be guarded and strengthened by faith.
"..for without faith, it is impossible to please God.."

God loves you and He desires that you grow deeper in the revelation of who He is. He is not far fetched, He is waiting on you to take that step and walk close to Him.


So let God work His will in you. Yell a loud NO to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet YES to God and He'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin.Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet.
James 4:7-10 MSG

Till next time, remember that '..today belongs to you'
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