The Idols of the Tribe


Medical school has been one hell of a ride for me. I'm focused one moment, the next I'm not. While I can deal with my medicine related courses, the other stuff outside of medicine are just extra luggage for me.
First year came with all of it's history and politics and just when I thought it was all over, second year landed me a plate of philosophy.

"I'll just go to class, be quiet, write my test and get out"

That was my original plan for my philosophy class. I really couldn't get myself to understand why it had to be part of the courses I was studying. (I still don't)

This week, in the course of our study of 'Mordern Philosophy', we studied some guy 'Francis Bacon' and I kept thinking of bacon on my pizza throughout the class.
To save us all of the philosophy ish, the thing is that he had some ideologies and in his book, he spoke about his doctrine of 'idols'.

Just to clear things up a bit here, 'Idols' here do not plainly refer to the wooden, metal or plastic gods or things like that. It refers to things, natural tendencies that preventing our minds from achieving total understanding of nature.

The idol that caught my attention was the idols of tribe. Although, they are innate, they can be compensated for. One of the examples is 'our tendency to jump into conclusions easily'

I read this and I was like, dang!
How often does our jumping into conclusions, hinder us from getting the best out of life. We begin judging everything, including ourselves, from the very first step and cloud our minds with thoughts that prevent us from seeing things as they really are.

4 weeks in and I cannot say that I love PHILOSOPHY but I kinda LIKE it. So, before you write off something or jump into conclusions, be sure to have looked at it with an unclouded mind.

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