
Hi there!
Yay it's Monday. Well I can still be excited about Mondays because I'm still on holiday.
The time off from school has offered me so much time to myself. I've time to sleeeeeeep zzzz's because sleep is one thing that is hard to come by once the session begins. So, I've given myself to more sleep. It's just been a little annoying when I wake up early on the days that I just want to sleep in. Anyways, it's been really relaxing.

My darling roommate traveled for the holiday so I've had the room to myself. Haha! I'm a very personal person (dunno if that makes sense). I'm quite a private person and that's one of the reasons why I tend to work more at night but since I've been alone most of the time, I've spent quality time during the day doing 'stuff' that I'll usually do at night.

I've been a 'one-man gang' for quite a while and having time to yourself is so great a blessing to a loner BUT there are times when you kinda want to be around people. For me I've got amazing friends around but there are some times when the only people you want to hang around is family. I'm in Ukraine but my family is Nigeria and sometimes I wish that my superpower, teleporting was actually real.

Growing up, I wasn't really such a family person. I loved my parents, siblings and cousins but I found it quite difficult to connect with them. I'm currently in a place where I understand that family is everything. Friends come and go but family is always going to be by your side no matter what. I know it's that it's not always the case but most of the time, family will always have your back when there's no other person there.

Many times, we take for granted this gift of family that we have been given especially when we live in a very loving home, where members of your family are nice and have your best interest at heart. We forget that some people do not really get to enjoy the gift of family like we can.

CHALLENGE: Take out time to consciously appreciate your family.

One of the quotes about family that I like a lot is "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and love you no matter what"

It's easy to sit and look around trying to count who and who has been family to you. It's easy to start analyzing who has been there for you and who hasn't. How about we take it a step further and ourselves, who have we been there for?
I understand that you can only be there for people that allow you into their lives but what about the people that you looked down on and not shown concern to even when you knew they were in a very low place.

CHALLENGE: Be FAMILY to someone.

Take a step today and show someone love. Someone around you may just need someone to listen to them or may need a word of encouragement or may need someone to guide them back on track, Be there for someone.

Have a great week!! xoxo
It's Kaydo

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