The JEWEL - Atem Peace and Gift Ogwa


Hi guys!!!!
I wanted to share this piece my friend and I did with you guys.
Watch the video >>

Far beneath the surface
Under the covers of the usual status quo
Clothed in the disguise of the dirty happy somethings
She lay...

Next to the stuff that was covered in rust
They looked alike
I mean for the most part
Except she wasn't as pretty
And wasn't dressed in apparels of gold and silver

Her earrings didnt't go with her necklace
And her bag didn't even match her shoes
And slowly but definitely
The electricity that once pushed her to dream depleted
And the light within her eyes turned of

Works are for the great she said
And greatness is far fetched
So she crumbled herself in small pieces
Her heart was broken

He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me
He definitely loves me not
For he screamed when he saw me
Not because he was "wowed"
But kinda out of disgust.

It's funny how we look at the magazine
And think we have to look like what we see
It's crazy how Barbie has become
The standard for beauty
It tickles my thought process to fathom
How we care more about what's on our head than what's in them

So now we cover our faces in masks
Trying to attain beauty's mask
We subdue ourselves to the definition of beauty which is so wrong.
We judge each other's looks
By Facebook's likes, Instagram followers and retweets.

We get so obsessed with the outside
That we have slowly lost touch of the truth and the reality of who we truly are.
Forgetting that in His image we were made.
'Fearfully', 'Wonderfully', 'Beautifully' made.

Please you are worth more than a 2D image on a screen
You are a living, breathing human being
You are worth love and affection
You are precious
You are a diamond, a rose, a pearl, a JEWEL.

The most stunning of God's creation
You are worth more than you could ever imagine
Worth more than the hair product you wear
Worth more than the lipstick or shoes and Gucci bags.

More than the price tag on your dress
More than the foundation
Stop caring so much about the kind of concealer you use
Concealing the GLORY of God.
Your worth surpasses all earthly things
Because in the eyes of the Lord
'You Are Loved'
If only you knew
'You are God's SELFIE'.

So, walk with your shoulders high
Eyes shining bright
Joy in every step that you take
Greatness is not far fetched
Greatness is within you

So move beyond the status quo
For you were made to stand out
Don't succumb to mediocrity
But live proudly, excellently in all royalty as

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