
Evil communications corrupt good manners
I think I heard this phrase about a zillion times as I grew
From home to church and even in school
The truth is that I tried my best to be careful about the company I kept
I stuck with the "good" kids.
Those one who never fought nor stole
I mean that was the best I knew.

But I'm all grown now
And is pretty difficult to tell
I'm trying my best to be a good kid
Errrrrrm, I don't think I should say kid, maybe girl
I'm hanging out with those who are called "good" but really I want to be cool
In areas I stood out, I just painted myself to blend in
Oh please, I didn't want too much attention
I just wanted to be part of the squad.

Then!! Boom like a blast
Without my consent I discovered something different growing on my inside
It was some sort of cancer
The changing was much more than superficial
It was no longer beneficial.
Now I'm hurting.

Anyone ever found themselves in such a place?
When you bring the illness on yourself?
The more painful part is that since we become ashamed
We choose to hide like Adam and Eve
We try to perform our own surgeries
Forceps, scissors, incisions too deep
Now we're bleeding much more than we thought
Slowed down breathing, heart rate flat lining
Now I'm scared, could I be dying?

I thought this was the was the easy way around
The paths seem to be taking too long
I just couldn't wait for the doctor anymore
I thought I had learnt enough
And soon enough like Saul we come up with excuses like
I wanted to make a sacrifice to the Lord
Oh really?
What He wants is living sacrifices not dead ones
The ones with sweet smelling savour
Not those that are covered with stench!

And just STOP!
Stop trying to clean up yourself because you can't
All you do is introduce pathogens
And now there's an infection
At the site of the incision.
Oh my it's spreading faster than I thought!
Exactly what did you think?
Just stop trying to clean up your mess
Because you don't even know what clean is
Allow Him who is perfection
Permeate you and make you His reflection
You are His creation
His art work expression
He knows exactly  what you're supposed to be
So allow Him direct the paths of your life.

It's Kaydo

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