Being The Best YOU


Hey everyone! I feel quite excited writing this piece. I'm finally through with this semester . Yay! I hope to do a lot more of writing and I hope you gain something from this piece.
I'll start by asking a question. 'Do you consider yourself the best? Like, in your class, among your peers and people you hang around, do you see yourself as the the best?. The issue we are about to touch will relate to this question but it's much more than that. Even if you top your class or you think that you are the best among your peers in all areas, are you the best YOU?
It is a fact that you are the only you in the world and the whole of creation is waiting for you to manifest. Wow! Sounds too good to be true? Now you may ask, 'who am I that the world would wait for my manifestation?' You are the carrier of God's nature, God's Spirit and in fact, God made you specially for your world!
Now that it is an established fact that the world awaits you, how then do you become who you were meant to be? How do you reach the heights God planned for you?

  • DISCOVER you. This is the very first step that you must take because until you discover who you are and what you possess, you'll live a lower class of life than you're supposed to and you're wallow in self pity for nothing. Now, don't look at your dysfunctions and major on the negatives, because there's greatness on your inside. You may need to ask yourself questions that will help you think. Questions like; What are you good at? What problems can you solve? What do you enjoy doing? Even when you think like you've figured out who you are and that you completely understand yourself, that most probably is not true. This is because by thinking alone, we cannot figure out who we are because we didn't create ourselves. The manufacturer knows the best about his product.God formed us with His own hands and placed the different gifts and talents in us, so He knows us much more than we think we know ourselves. So, if we must discover the totality if who we are, we must surrender all to the will of God and allow Him lead us in the path that is best for us.

  • After discovering who you are, it's a total waste if you just remain that way. It is wisdom that you begin to DEVELOP your skills. Dedicate yourself to getting the best out of your gifts. You must be willing to subject  yourself to teachings and be humble enough to learn so that you can be better in that your field. Now when gold is discovered, in it's original form it is not so attractive so it must go through the refining process. It's the same with skills, you must refine them and  get better.

  • Then you must begin to DISPLAY these gifts. We have not been given lights so that we would hide them  but that we would show forth good works and that our lives would glorify God. Matthew 5:16. Now do not limit yourself because of the people around you. Don't begin to think mediocrity because you are seemingly better than the people around you. Dig deep, reach down and display those giftings on your inside.

One thing that you must guard against is jealousy. Don't get jealous that someone can do something that you can't do. We aren't all designed the same way. Don't feel bad if you don't top your class at the end of the semester. Now I'm not saying that you should slack and stop attending classes or stop trying to learn. That's not the point. You should instead strive to be better, set reasonable goals and achieve them.
God made you specially and you are not a mistake so strive to be better, not better than your peers but better than who you were yesterday.

It's Kaydo!

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