5 steps to MAXIMIZING your day


Successful people are those who have learnt the act of taking everyday as it comes and making the most of it. Majority of people just go through the day and can barely point what has been achieved. It is a common struggle among young people. They have all these ideas in their minds and so many things that they want to be. The truth is that if we can make the most out of the day, we'll gradually be creating the picture of the future that we have in our imagination.
These are five steps that'll help every willing person get the most out of their day.

  • No more SNOOZE button

"Sleep a little. Doze a little. Fold your hands and twiddle your thumbs. Suddenly, everything is gone, as though it had been taken by an armed robber." Proverbs 6:10-11 CEV 
Everyone knows that sleep gets more interesting in the mornings. You know that 'just five more minutes' sleep that turn into 30 more minutes. The truth is that if we actually wake up at the right time, we'll be one step in the right direction.
Now the question arises on how one can do without hitting the snooze button. In my opinion, you first need to find out what works for you best, staying up late or waking up really early. Whichever works for you, you need to determine when you need to sleep and wake up and then stick to it. The truth is that if you don't stick to your bed time, waking up at the right time is going to be a lot difficult.

  • Set realistic and definite GOALS   
"A goal properly set is halfway reached."- Zig Ziglar 
Place a demand on your day when you wake up. Set goals that are both relevant on a short-term and long-term basis. When your goals are set you work with a greater sense of purpose and determination. It helps you channel your energy towards the things that are more important and more befitting.

  • Be ACCOUNTABLE for your time
One important quality of leaders is accountability and before you go all, 'hey, I'm not a leader' on me, I might as well just tell you that you are. First and most importantly, you are a leader to yourself. You have a responsibility for making the best out of you and functioning in your best mode. But for that to happen there must accountability. 
Seconds add up to minutes that add up to hours that add up to day that make up your lifetime. If you want to be able to look back at your life and be proud of what you have been able to accomplish, then you must consciously take every second and make it count. You must know that there's no time to waste so you use every second with wisdom.

  • Refuel: EAT right
To continue with our daily jobs, it's important that we are healthy. The quality of our health is related to quality of the food that we eat. To get the best out of the day, it's necessary that we start out with breakfast and then make out time to eat during the day because when you're hungry, you will not work as well as you ought to.

  • Keep the right COMPANY
"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character" 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV
Your excellence in maximizing your day will be affected either positively or negatively by the people around you. As important as it is for you to walk in strong will and not be affected by just anything or anyone, it's also important that you surround yourself with the right people so that your energy is not expended in withstanding wrong influence but in exuding the right influence.

There's so much that you can be and accomplish but it all begins with taking the right steps in the right direction. Take hold of your every day and maximize it. You CAN!!


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