Taking Stock


Hello, happy December!!  Amazing how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday when we said happy new year and it's December already.
So, what did you achieve this year? How much did you grow this year? Let's take stock of what happened with you for the last 11 months. So you set goals at the beginning of the year, did you achieve them? How much progress did you make? How much better are you? Where were you at the beginning of the year and where are you now? How much impact did you make? How effective where you with  handling your day?
It's very important that we continually examine how well we are doing. We have been taught to set goals but it seems like we have ignored the examination. It's the examination the shows how far we have gone, it shows how efficient we have been within a given period.
It's necessary that we are progressively improving but we can only improve on what we know. We must have a knowledge of who we are, how far we've gone, where we need to get to and how much more we need to go.
Schools usually have examinations and tests and you have to pass well before you can be promoted to the next class. It's about same with life, you cannot move to your next level in life if you're not able to pass the exams on your present level, so though time passes, you're still on the same level, you're still at the same point. Exams are to see how much we have learnt, how much we have improved. We should examine ourselves and honestly rate ourselves if we are going to improve.
Its easy for one to be carried away by the passing of time, its easy to have the illusion that you're busy with life but being busy is not the deal, its being productive that's important. We could be busy with things all year round and still not be productive. Busyness without productivity only stresses us out. It only drains your strength, it only makes you tired because all your energy is dispersed instead of invested. In such moments, you cannot be accountable for what you did with your energy, time and resources. Accountability is one sign of growth and its important that we are growing. Growth is takes a conscious effort so, we must consciously and deliberately decide to grow and then work towards it.
The place of improvement comes after examination has been done. So, if, you didn't do so well, if you haven't grown well enough, it shouldn't make you quit or feel like you are not good enough. The exams show where you need to improve, they are not to condemn you. So, begin taking conscious steps towards improvement in those areas. You can be better!

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