Do It Now!!


Most young people live like they've got all the time in the world. We live in a time when most young people have such a disturbing attitude towards time. There is the tendency to overlook the passing time because of they are young. Most people just keep putting off stuff till later. From seemingly little things like cleaning the dishes, to major life decisions. The truth being that we don't just start off by procrastinating major stuff, it, like any other habit, starts off little.
We all want to live a rich, long life but the truth is that we don't always get that opportunity. And even when you get to live a long life, you find out you can't place your hands on something and call it an achievement because you just let time slip by you.
It's high time we started being conscious of passing time, it's time we stopped putting things off.
And remember this, "If you can do it now, why put it off till later?"

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