Fifth year, week one


I decided to document my fifth year in medical school here on my blog. This is one of the few times that I've been excited to go to school. It's like 'finally!' 5th year is here and that means that med school is almost over. Yay!?

Obstetrics and gynaecology wins the award for the most boring major course, in my opinion. I know, I'm a lady so most people would think that I'd like it a bit, well, apparently not. Maybe I've just closed my heart to it, maybe I'll like it in the future but who knows.

On the other hand, paediatrics seems to be winning my heart again. Maybe a huge part of it has to do with the doctors in charge, maybe not but it does seem quite interesting.

The first week was a usual first week, there's really nothing much to study, the teachers are still nice, by the next classes, I'll know better.

Apart from school, I think I'm in an 'okay' place mentally. I set boundaries just to help me manage my space and so far it's working.

I listened to "Why so serious?" by Pastor Emmanuel Iren and my heart is all so stirred up to pray.

This first entry is here, there and everywhere but let's see how this goes.
If there's anything I learnt in the first week it'll be "the fact that you don't know isn't something to be ashamed of or something to hide. It's when you accept your state, you can begin to open your heart and start learning".

Grace and Peace.
Kaydo ❤

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