Are you a LEARNER?


If you are African, this question may come off as more than just a question. It gradually leans towards being an insult on your personality. Before we all get mad and start throwing things across the room, lets take a while and find out who a learner is.
A learner is one who's learning. 
To learn means to acquire knowledge or skill by study, instruction, or experience.
So let me ask you again, 'are you a learner?'

It's an undeniable fact that living without knowledge is living life headed towards destruction. It just so happens that if we decide to live just with the amount of knowledge we're born with, we'll be dead in a couple of weeks.

Usually when people ask if you are a learner, they do so not with the honest desire of knowing but because they've concluded that you're a dullard. So, because of this pressure from the outside world, we decide to live like we have it all together, like we know it all.

At the end of the day, no one wants to be called a know-it-all yet we don't want to be referred to as learners. Its high time we stopped allowing the wrong ideology get in the way of our identifying with the right thing.

What if you actually did something really wrong? Students get the answers wrong all the time. No need to sulk and be all worked up about it. The mistake we often make is that we live in the error when all we're supposed to do is learn from the errors. Some people are caught up with trying to live the perfect life that they would rather not take risk. It gets worse when they start judging every other person and begin to classify others as wrong, you know, they are the only ones right.

Hmmmm! Really bro!
Don't get me wrong, I am not against working towards perfection, I indeed am a perfectionist but we must remember the balance in life.We must keep in mind that we are not perfect YET but are a still in a work in progress and must learn to give room for others and most especially for yourself to grow. You must learn to explore, to take risk, to try new things. I think one of the reasons why the universe is large is so that we can all explore its different parts.

The Learners' Attitude.

Your attitude is simply your settled way of thinking or feeling about a thing. It's important that we keep the right kind of attitude as it either enhances or impairs our learning process.

  1. Be Humble. Humility is a trait that cannot be over emphasized when it comes to learning. The truth about life is that there are lessons all around us and a new born can be our teacher at any point. That's why it's important that we keep a humble spirit because without it, we would pass out on a whole lot of truth and lessons.
  2. Be Tenacious. Tenacious means holding together, cohesive, tough, not easily pulled asunder. There will be things that will want to pull you apart in your process of learning. There will be people that will want to bring you down, happenings that will wan to tear you apart, roads and courses that will seem to be thorns and bushes. But in all, it's important we don't give up and that we are willing and determined to learn the lessons embedded in life.
  3. One attitude a learner must avoid is a Judgmental attitude. No one is an island. One thing that judging others will do for you is that it will leave you alone. When you go on judging people and saying all kinds of nasty things about them, you cut relationship with them. You don't know it all, not even if you claim to. We must put up the attitude of appreciating others. Now, it doesn't mean that people are not gong to step on your toes and annoy you. It doesn't even mean that people will not go around doing annoying things and piss you off. BUT in all this, you must keep your character in check and not allow others be in control of our emotions.
The truth is that "You learn something everyday if you pay attention"- Ray LeBlond
Learning is a conscious effort. It's not a crime to be a learner. It doesn't mean that you are stupid, it just means that you just don't know it yet.

Keep Living!
Keep Learning!
With Love, Kaydo.

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