I'm scared
So scared to stand up lest I fall
I'm scared that I when I take the first step I'll fail
I'm scared of the injuries that may probably come
I'm scared of the heart breaks that may follow.
I'm scared
So scared that you'll laugh at me when I talk
Not because I'm cracking jokes
But because you think I'm not good enough.
I'm scared to take the first step
I'm scared to let go of my anchor
I'm so scared
Life seems scary.
I'm scared that if I leave the brightness of today
Tomorrow may never come
I'm scared to let go of the hurt
Because I feel that it's all that I have.
I'm scared of the future
And scared of the past
I'm afraid of today
And everything that it has.
Behold! the great waves
And the high mountains.
But really, why sit here until I die?
If I perish, I perish!
At least I died trying.
I choose to take the scared steps forward
I choose to see beyond my fears
And although you may be laughing at me
I choose to see you laughing with me
I choose to see positive
Even when the negativity clouds my vision
I choose to do it afraid
And whatever happens, happens
I choose to be ME!