All things PINK and PURPLE


Heartbeats skipping is the new norm.
Here I stand face to face with reality.
The smoke screen of my illusions all gone.
The scales that once covered my eyes lay there on the floor to my left.
Every 'right' turn eventually led south and my Wernicke's lesioned.
For though my words line up as a legion, they make no sense and I know not.

Name: Sarah McLey
Age: 22
 Well, that's the most I have been able to go with my 'CV'. I always thought that everything would fall in place as soon as I graduated from the university but errrrm, I never really got to find out.
Let me catch you up a little. I'm very smart or should I rather say intelligent. I got an admission to study Aeronautical engineering when I was 18. Airplanes always fascinated me, I mean everything that wasn't nature but could fly were my points of interest.

I remember always building jets with my plastic building bricks when I was 6. They just made my heart smile. I would spend days drawing the kind of airplanes I wanted to build. I didn't want dolls, all I wanted was my little airplane.

Time passed rather quickly, from kindergarten to primary to secondary and then I was in the university of my choice having the time of my life until life happened to me.

P:S  All characters are fictional.
To be continued next week FRIDAY (I hope I can keep to that)
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