
Growing your MIND!


Growth is undeniably an important aspect of life. The truth is that once a living thing stops growing, chances are that it begins to die.
Physical growth may seem normal, and like the usual thing to happen but we have come to learn that a couple of things influence physical growth. Because physical growth is one that is very obvious, we tend to pay quite a lot of attention to our bodies and when we discover that we are not growing at the 'normal' rate, we often step in, try to find the cause and provide a solution.

Our minds are a part of us that is quite easy to ignore. Because we live in a society that tends to place a lot of attention on how you look on the outside rather than what is one your inside, we often take more time in caring for our bodies than in developing our minds.

I like to think of the mind like the computer, it can be programmed, deprogrammed, and it eventually gives out what you have put into it.
To see the reflection of your physical body, you look into a mirror. To the reflection of your mind, you listen to your SPEECH; not just what you say but how you say it. The words you speak and the way you relate them to people is a reflection of what you have been feeding your mind and how you have programmed it to respond.

As much as the mind is grown and developed VERY consciously, there are a number of SUBconscious factors that influence the mind.

How To GROW your MIND

  • READ
When you read, you feed your mind with specific information. Reading gives you the opportunity to have conversations with people of different classes. It gives you the opportunity to look into the minds of people and see how they reason. It shows you the things that have helped build them up and bring them down.

Reading thus, gives a level of experience to your mind and opens the door for you to see things through the eyes of others.

What reading is supposed to do is stir your mind up with ideologies. Our mind is there for us to think with. Reading is like eating and then thinking is the process of digestion. For you to read and then not think on the stuff you read is not a sign of wisdom because you inadvertently give your mind indigestion and that causes harm.

The process of thinking transfers the ideologies from being someone else's to being yours. It also protects you from just absorbing the wrong kinds of ideas.

Your environment is the subconscious way through which your mind is developed. Your basic values are a reflection of where you grew up and with whom you grew up with. Your environment includes your friends, your workplace, the kind of music you listen to, the kind of movies you watch.

A couple of these things may seem harmless and well, you may think that you are strong enough to wade off the wrong ideas but, a constant exposure to the wrong information programs your mind wrongly.

As we prepare for the NEW YEAR, it is important that we create opportunities to develop our minds because the fulfillment of the resolutions that we make is very much dependent on the state of our minds.
I wish you a very happy NEW YEAR in advance.
Remember that "..today belongs to YOU"
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-Kaydo <3

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